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Bridging HR Operations with Financial Planning

Personnel cost is one of the largest categories of corporate expenditures, representing 30 to 50 percent of total annual budget. Rising workforce costs, including salary, taxes, and healthcare insurance, present significant planning challenges for finance and HR. HR also needs to align with finance and operations in measuring performance, meeting internal control objectives, driving process efficiency, and effectively using information technology. HR, in fact, has been very proactive in deploying software applications in the cloud, and now finance is beginning to catch up. Paul Hamerman, Forrester Vice President and Principal Analyst, who has been following technology adoption and process innovation in HR and finance for more than a decade, will present a unique perspective that looks at the linkages and process integration opportunities between HR and finance, including workforce planning. Learning Objectives: 1. How HRs planning and performance measurement needs align with financial planning and business performance measurements 2. Relative levels of adoption of cloud solutions in HR and financial 3. Using a financial planning, budgeting, and forecasting solution (PBF) to drive HR cost and headcount planning