Greeces new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is at his first EU summit to tell his European counterparts that Greece wants to renegotiate the bailout. The Greek government says austerity must…
Jonathan Samuels’ Guide to Bridging Loans
Jonathan Samuels, CEO of short and medium term lender Dragonfly Property Finance gives his guide to the world of Bridging Lending and its role in financing property development.
Greece is set to request a loan extension, reports say
Greece is expected to request a six-month extension of its loan agreement on Wednesday, according to reports. The loan would not be an extension of the current bailout agreement, which includes…
What is bridging finance?
Rob Lees from Mortgage Choice Blaxland and Penrith explains how bridging finance works and how you can finance a new purchase when you still have a loan. This segment aired on The Business…
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